Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Dissertation Proposal - Draft 1.

Heal my body, heal my mind.

Early education, Art Therapy and Design.

Education is what I always found fascinating and recently while researching it further, I discovered many links and interactions between Design as a whole and its connections to specific educational methods and techniques.

While, still at the most basic stage of my research, I came across one other discipline which seemed to connote to these two hugely – Art Therapy. I decided to go down that route and to familiarise myself with the available resources, primarily books and journals.

After a few weeks of looking into Art Therapy in relation to several psychological issues, I most definitely decided to explore Art Therapy with children in particular and more precisely, kids with serious medical conditions, after traumas or undergoing hospitalisation.

Continuously, trying to broaden my horizons, I took an interest into hospital and hospice design. The interior design of such institutions is crucial as well as the Design Idea behind it, the concept of a more child friendly and, in fact, a more art friendly environment.

I ask myself, whether or not, us as Designers should be more curious about the well being of our consumers and could dare to “heal” faulty designs within the educational and the health care systems.

Furthermore, I wish to investigate if introducing art therapy in primary and secondary schools could not be the answer to aggression, racism, bullying, homophobia and sectarianism.

I cannot wait to arrange some primary research opportunities, possibly in both schools and hospitals, to gather more firsthand information.

My aim is bring the benefits of art therapy to the attention of Designers and to encourage more inter-specialisation collaborations.

This subject is not related to my studio work directly as of yet, although the flow of ideas could most possibly inspire my Degree Show theme, which I am hoping will eventually happen.

The people I believe would benefit from my work are children and parents undergoing medical treatment, teaching and medical staff, fellow designers and architects.

Furthermore, I might look into going down that career path myself and feel I need to explore it further when I have an opportunity to do so.

1. A full review of literature and Internet sources on the subject of Art Therapy with children.

2. Full reviews of local authorities take on Art Therapy and Art Therapists offices in Dundee and Scotland – interviews.

3. Interviews with school children, art and care teachers and school psychologists.

4. Interviews with GPs, paediatricians, hospital and hospice staff members and patients.

5. Interviews with fellow designers and architects, especially interior and environmental.

6. Art and design experiments with school children and kids at the hospital/hospice.

7. Questioners of awareness about Art Therapy practice to all above.

Art, Therapy, Children, Education, Elementary, Hospital, Interior, Design.

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