Just before Christmas our lecturer asked us have a look for some of our childhood photographs and select a few we would be happy to use for Design Studies in the second semester.
Most of my friends were really exited about this intriguing task and wondered what kind of purpose it might have. As to my own opinion on this, well... I felt a little awkward, a little unsure and for definite I felt that this task could possibly push me to get out of the security or rather privacy zone I have created and guarded over the years.
During our first lecture in this new semester, the news of what the task is going to be was finally delivered. And it seemed much more interesting then I imaged. We were to pick someone amongst us whom we don't know and swap pictures with them. After a careful consideration of the photos we had to discuss our findings with that person and then deliver the truth about our own childhood/personality if any different form what they thought.
The person that I swapped my photographs with is a girl called Amy Joe from Interior and Environmental Design. I must admit I have not spoken to her before and I had no idea what kind of person she could possibly be. That made this task even more exiting and this is what I think Amy is like, purely on the basis of her photos:
1. Amy has a sister or brother who is about the same age as she is.
2. Amy had a happy childhood and seemed to be a smiling and very active child.
3. Amy has a really playful personality and probably likes joking about with her friends and family.
4. Amy was really into fashion/grown up things when she was younger, she liked dressing up and trying on her mums cloths. Based on that I think she might have a strong relationship with her mum/family.
5. Amy has a big group of friends and is really popular. People like spending time with her and she is hardly ever alone.
6. Amy was/is close to her siblings/cousins.
7. Amy likes outdoor activities, being out and about and having a good time enjoying winter sports (especially snowboarding).
8. Amy likes changes. She likes experimenting and is not scared to try out new things.
9. Amy likes music and going to gigs and concerts. I think she must have went to T in the Park in the past and probably loved it. I think she might enjoy camping too.
10. Amy is really into fashion and she's got a good dressing sense. She seems to like newest trends and has a sporty but still very modern sense of style.
11. Amy loves to go out and I'm sure she's out quite a bit. She enjoys drinking with friends and late night take aways after a night out.
12. Amy likes going to themed parties because that gives her a chance to dress up. I am not sure but I think she might have joined the scuba diving club.
13. Amy looks after herself very well, likes putting on make up and possibly goes to the gym and practises a sport or two regularly.
14. Amy loves going on holidays and probably has already planned one for this spring break and summer.
15. Amy is a confident person.